John Potter of Hibbing, Minn., was extremely distraught to learn yesterday that his 26-year-old daughter, Meghan, has been playing on the low-level slow-pitch softball team Boom Goes the Dynamite. John Potter learned the disappointing news when he called his daughter's house yesterday evening.
“Meghan was all excited, saying, ‘Dad, guess what. I’m playing for Boom Goes the Dynamite. I’m a starter, Dad!’” remembered the elder Potter. “But I couldn’t even respect her after she told me that. She’s such a disappointment. I can’t believe my girl, my favorite daughter, is a member of Boom Goes the Dynamite. It's such a step down in my baby girl's softball career, yet somehow she’s so clueless she doesn’t even realize that. Not only is she delusional, it appears she’s a moron, as well.”
“I could tell dad was really proud of me when I told him,” Meghan said. “He wouldn’t even respond anymore. I think he was choked up and didn’t want me to hear him cry. I really made him proud.”
John called his daughter's team president, Jeff Keiser, to confirm the news. “Jeff is a good guy and tried to sugarcoat it, saying Meghan tries hard and is improving,” John said, “but I know better. My girl is a failure.”
“I tried to be as honest as possible with Mr. Potter,” Keiser said. “But I know it’s never easy to hear that your child has been playing for Boom Goes the Dynamite. It’s every parent’s nightmare.”
Mr. Potter said it will take him some time to get over the disappointment of his daughter's athletic failings, especially after a mediocre softball career at North Dakota State during which she earned honorable mention on the 2003 Academic All-North Central Conference Team.
“You do your best, you know?” he said. “I’ve tried to play catch with her since she was old enough to hold a ball, but she never really seemed to put it all together. I just pray she doesn’t embarrass me too much out there. That is if I can even make myself go to the games.”
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