Reports out of the University of Minnesota Athletic Communications office indicate that second-year Assistant Creative Director Chris Lagasse (Crookston, Minn.), 23, continues to bring his glove to Twin Cities area baseball games despite the fact that he's 23 years old. Lagasse (wearing hat in above photo) has been seen toting his Tom Brunansky Signature Series Spalding glove to Minnesota Twins, St. Paul Saints, and various townball and youth baseball games since the 2008 season began.
Lagasse has had to endure entirely-justifiable criticism, harassment and merciless taunting from Athletic Communications staffers since longtime U of M baseball SID Steve Geller (Port Jefferson, N.Y.) spotted Lagasse in the stands at a St. Louis Park 11AA youth baseball game in late May.
"I was just going for a walk at Rotary Northside Park when I saw Lagasse watching a kids' baseball game," Geller said. "Any ball that was hit over the backstop he went after. He was battling preschoolers for foul balls. I've never seen anything like it. "

"Once I heard about Lagasse bringing his glove to baseball games, I lit into him," Lagasse's supervisor Jeff Keiser (Avon, Ct.) said. "I mean, what guy over the age of 12 brings his glove to a baseball game? Listen, I know Lagasse is our office dork (link), but really, this is taking it too far. I've tolerated the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures, the Star Wars dolls and all the other nerd-related paraphenalia, but I just cannot let him get by without me ridiculing him for being a grown man with a glove at a baseball game."
Apparently, Keiser's incessant taunting has not led to any significant change in Lagasse's glove-wearing behavior. In fact, it appears Lagasse has stepped up his efforts to catch foul balls at as many baseball games as possible. According to a document found in the garbage by Bierman Field Athletic Building janitorial engineer Mahdi Ali (Mogadishu, Somalia), Lagasse has compiled a schedule of youth, semi-pro and professional baseball games at which he plans to attend with his Spalding. The schedule unearthed by the one-time U of M Athletics Teammate of the Month also spells out plans to enlist his fiancee Megan Carlson and unemployed former Athletic Communications intern Ryan Maus (Northfield, Minn.) in Lagasse's quest for foul balls.
"I find paper with baseball games on it," Ali said. "It look like Mr. Chris really want to catch ball bad. I don't know what his problem is. He really big dork, huh? Hello, prospect!"
In addition to bringing his glove to every baseball game he attends, Lagasse allegedly brings his own scorebook, foam "We're #1" finger and "Circle Me Bert" sign.
(The below video IS NOT of Chris Lagasse at a baseball game. It is a video of a fan who DID NOT bring his glove to a baseball game.)
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