Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Boom Goes the Dynamite Hits the Big Time

"All the fake news that's really not all that fit to print." That's the subhead to this mediocre blog that we run on an on-again, off-again basis. Well, file this under "news that looks fake, but isn't; news that probably shouldn't be printed, but is."

On page 15 of the April 24 edition of Let's Play Softball/Let's Play Baseball (think of it as Let's Play Hockey's awkward cousin), you'll find the above page. No joke. Boom Goes the Dynamite is published in a somewhat-respected softball/baseball publication. Needless to say, the paper was hurting for content for this issue. Tabloid rag, indeed.

FYI, Let's Play Softball/Let's Play Baseball has a circulation of approximatley 6,000.

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