Shane Sanderfeld Memorial MVP:
Jeff Keiser and Kevin Kurtt (runner-up: Jim Strick)
- Comments on Keiser: "The team’s Jack of All Trades and most consistent run producer through the long, grinding season." "Had the only two home runs of the year, and along with Kevin Kurtt was the most consistent hitter until a late season funk."
- Comments on Kurtt: "Team’s most consistent offensive and defensive player."
- Also receiving votes: Cathy Behr ("Brought her lunch pail to work every game. Played through injuries. Brought new bat."), Matt Slieter ("Nearly flawless in the field/good hitter despite his refusal to try for extra bases."), Michelle Train ("She managed egos and diverse personalities and still put a winning product on the field.")
Gaylord Hotels Music City Bowl Playoff MVP:
N/A- Comments on N/A: "Nobody deserves this award. We stunk." "We didn’t have playoffs, did we?" "There was no postseason, and we need to find a league that has one so slow-starting veterans like Noth and myself can know when our bats need to start to heat up. You can’t expect us to be consistent the whole year." "A Playoff MVP? Ahh no…" "We would have to win some games for a Playoff MVP"
- Also receiving votes: Sam Lambardo (aka Jim Lombardi) ("for encouraging us to sign up for two tournaments which were later cancelled due to lack of interest, resulting in mass confusion on how much money the Boom front office had spent in 2008."
Duffy’s Pizza Unsung Hero Award:
Alyssa Downing, Steve Geller, Ryan Maus, Casey Kurtt- Comments on Downing: "Quietly one of the team’s most consistent on-base threats."
- Also receiving votes: Meghan Potter ("Led team in RBI and was dogged all year for lack of hustle. This applies more towards the first session. We caught a glimpse of a Potter who is into the game, can hit and field. I think it is time for Train to figure how to pick and choose the right spots to use a motivated Potter."), Emily Slieter, Jim Strick, Michelle Train ("Perhaps an MVP candidate considering her absence created all kinds of confusion in making out a lineup and figuring out who goes where."), Emily Wood ("Quietly racked up great numbers both at the plate and on the mound/didn’t get nearly the amount of press that Kurtt, Keiser, Geller and Noth got."
Victory Sports Silver Stick Award:
Kevin Kurtt (runner-up: Matt Slieter)
- Comments on Kurtt: "Solely cuz he won the batting title…now if he could just find a little of the power he had during the CSC days." "He had the highest batting average didn’t he? Next year we need a real official scorer so we can get a legit feel as to how everyone really hit this year.
- Comment on Slieter: "A smooth stroke that packed power and finesse to the opposite field."
- Also receiving votes: Steve Geller ("This aging hurler made like Babe Ruth after forsaking the mound, putting forth a productive season at the plate. Kudos, Steve.", Cathy Behr, Jeff Keiser, Meghan Potter.
Lady Byng Sportsmanship Award:
Emily Wood (runner-up: Ryan Maus)
- Comments on Wood: None
- Comments on Maus: "Based solely on his ever-present smile." "Plays the game the way it should be played."
- Also receiving votes: Lisa Hardy, Jeff Keiser, Andrea Smith, Jim Strick ("Would have a clean record of great sportsmanship except the final game when he argued strikes with the bad ump."), Kristine Yorde, Maggie, N/A
Garry Bowman Leadership Award:
Michelle Train and Kevin Kurtt (runner-up: Jeff Keiser)
- Comment on Train: "Put everything into her new role as team manager/her putting together inning-by-inning lineups was above and beyond the call of duty."
- Comments on Kurtt: "Where would this franchise be without his tireless efforts? No where, that’s where." "No greater leader than someone who can spend time finding 64 people to seed and place in a bracket and then coordinate voting to determine who 'goes Boom the most.'"
- Comment on Keiser: "Keiser was the closest thing to a leader on a team without one this year. Bring back Coughlin. Did I just say that, don’t ever tell him I said that."
- Also receiving votes: Lisa Hardy ("After Jeff embarrassed himself at the meeting at homeplate."), Jim Strick
Emily Wood Team Spirit Award:
Emily Wood (runner-up: Kevin Noth)
- Comments on Wood: "Always a sparkplug" "Who else?" "It’s in the title!"
- Also receiving votes: Kevin Noth-Kevin Kurtt-Steve Geller-Jeff Keiser ("The only ones who showed for every game.", Lisa Hardy, Steve Geller ("Never missed a game despite playing in two leagues."
Fox 9 News Courage and Love of the Game Award:
Steve Geller and Cathy Behr (runners-up: Ryan Maus, Andrea Smith)
- Comments on Geller: None
- Comments on Behr: "Amputated a finger and still played, and also played through getting beaned from the outfield early in the year trying to stretch a double into a triple. Ouch." "Taking one off the neck and playing without a fingernail!"
- Comment on Maus: "Seriously always smiling."
- Also receiving votes: Matt Slieter ("Overcame spousal restraints to post a spectacular debut year."), Jeff Keiser
Potbelly Sandwich Works Most Improved Player:
Ryan Maus (runner-up: Kristine Meghan Potter)
- Comment on Maus: "Might be the only person who hit better in the fall than during the spring"
- Comment on Potter: "RBI machine came through when needed most."
- Also receiving votes: Lisa Hardy, Michelle Train, Kristine Yorde, Nobody ("Everyone got worse, that's why we sucked.", Did you see this team?, Who knows? Wasn't a member last season.
Emily Wickstrom Grit/Determination Award:
Cathy Behr (runners-up: Kevin Noth, Andrea Smith)
- Comments on Behr: "Overcame numerous bumps, cuts and bruises due to her rough-and-tumble style of play." "Got hit in the neck by a throw and had a nail ripped off her hand and bled all over the place."
- Also receiving votes: Alyssa Downing, Steve Geller, Lisa Hardy ("Doesn't back down to anyone"), Casey Kurtt
Tory Kukowski Memorial Rookie of the Year:
Jim Strick (runner-up: Matt Slieter)
- Comments on Strick: None
- Comments on Slieter: "Emerged as one of team’s most dependable cornerstones." "Although Slieter is as much a rookie as Roy Hobbs was in the Natural" "Anyone who can win the Boom Bracket in his first year is an easy choice"
- Also receiving votes: Ryan Maus
PPI Sports Most Aggressive Baserunner/Hustler Award:
Steve Geller (runner-up: Alyssa Downing)
Comments on Geller: "Who else would slide as much as he does?" "No explanation necessary"
Comments on Downing: "This was Geller’s award to lose and he did just that by running into too many tags on the bases"
Also receiving votes: Kevin Kurtt ("I would put myself on here, but when you get thrown out 75 percent of the time, I don’t think you deserved this honor"), Meghan Potter
Tony's Diner Comeback Player of the Year:
Cathy Behr (runners-up: Lisa Hardy, Meghan Potter)
Comments on Behr: None
Comments on Hardy: "After some struggles in ’07 she bounced back to post a solid overall season"
Comments on Potter: "Despite accusations of lackadaisical effort she did lead the team in RBI, and was money with runners in scoring position until she just gave up in the final two games. I think in the future we need more pre-game barbeques and more weeks off to keep Potter motivated for an entire season."
Also receiving votes: Steve Geller, Matt Slieter, Emily Wood ("Recovered from a pre-season injury to become the team’s best female hitter during the fall."
Jeannie/Cowboy Bob Superfan Award:
Kieran Kurtt and The Kurtt Family (runner-up: Pam Hardy)
- Comment on Kieran: "Team’s record with him in attendance speaks for itself."
- Comment on Kurtt Family: "Loyal even during a horrendous Boom season."
- Also receiving votes: Laura Kurtt, Cathy's Guy, AVP
Goldy’s Gang Mascot of the Year:
Maggie (runner-up: Cooper)
- Comment on Maggie: "Watch out for your sandwich Keiser!!"
- Also receiving votes: AVP
Burrito Loco Best 10-Day Acquisition Award:
Bobbi Ross (runner-up: Doug Vose)
- Comments on Ross: "What an athlete!" "If management has any clue what they are doing they will lock her up to a long-term contract"
- Comment on Vose: "Five-for-five doesn’t get much better"
- Also receiving votes: Michelle Train
Nick Joos/M. Lochrem Biggest Disappointment “Award”:
Kevin Noth- Comments on Noth: "Playoff performance last season proved merely a mirage." "Has anyone had a bigger rollercoaster career. We should have to pay money to watch the ups and downs that makes up a typical summer softball season for Kevin Noth."
- Also receiving votes: Garry Bowman, Kyle Coughlin, Bobbi Ross ("I don’t know who that is, but I’ll put my vote there"), Matt Slieter ("For grounding out 4-3 when he had a chance to end the Green Giants win streak"), Andrea Smith, The server in the bar area at Majors, The female umpire that Keiser rightly insulted
Cy Young, brought to you by Icy Hot:
Jim Strick (runners-up: Steve Geller, Jeff Keiser)
- Comments on Strick: "He was downright tremendous in the circle, and should lead Boom into next season " "Finally a pitcher who wants to be on the team mound and is a team player."
- Comments on Keiser: "Not because he deserves it, just better than Geller and Strick"
- Also receiving votes: Meghan Potter
Gold Glove, presented by Isotoner:
Kevin Kurtt, Steve Geller, Emily Wood, Matt Slieter, Cathy Behr, Jeff Keiser- Also receiving votes: Jim Strick, Alyssa Downing, Ryan Mays, Andrea Smith
Gregg Shimanski Executive of the Year:
Jeff Keiser and Michelle Train (Runner-up: Nobody. This team was a joke.)
- Comment on Keiser: "Results weren’t there but he worked his ass off."
- Comment on Train: "Exemplified the team in that her fire and intensity were strong at the start of the year, but faltered down the stretch."
Marvin Geller Lifetime Achivement Award:
Steve Geller and Jeff Keiser - Comments on Geller: "One of the Boom all-time greats, and a model of what we all should strive to become."
- Also receiving votes: Cathy Behr ("Good to have a new and improved version of Behr back. Looking forward to adding Teeks, Dom and Pablo next year, and shipping out old useless veterans like Geller, Noth and Slieter."), Casey Kurtt ("A promising softball career came to much too early end due to annoying teammates."), Kevin Noth ("For being the oldest member of Boom."), Bob Swoverland, Emily Wood ("As rumors swirl she may retire.")
Bobby Z’S Kodak Moments of the Year:• Steve Geller going opposite field
• Steve Geller’s home run that wasn’t
• Jim Strick’s late season shutout performance
• Emily Wood stab to ice game
• Ryan Maus’s great outfield catches
• Jeff Keiser’s two home run game, quite possibly a record that will never be duplicated by our lame group of slap hitters.
• Jim Strick’s 3-2 victory, quite possibly the most pathetic game ever played in Boom history, but still the best pitching performance ever.
• Doug Vose’ head first slide.
• Kevin Noth hitting the first fenced home run in Boom history.
• Meghan Potter going 13-for-13 with runners in scoring position.
• Jim Strick tossing a 2-hitter.
• Meghan Potter hosting the Boom party.
• Lisa Hardy making opposing pitchers work.
• Bobbi Ross diving back into home plate after running past it
The Steak Knife Bloopers of the Year:• Susan H. Keller’s incredibly poor umpiring
• Jeff Keiser putting his foot in his mouth to Susan H. Keller’s son
• Steve Geller body slam/slide/flop into second base
• Jeff Keiser telling the ump his mom is horrible
• Steve Geller’s slides into second and third
• Bobbi Ross playing Canadian Rules Softball
• Cathy Behr taking a hard grounder to a fingernail
• Matt Slieter turning a home run into a double.
• Alyssa and Dre running into each other in the outfield, no play represented the season better.
• Steve Geller getting thrown out on the basepaths on numerous occasions.
• Kevin Noth’s annual strikeout (only this time caught looking).
• Jeff Keiser overrunning first and getting tagged out and the ump actually making her first savvy call of the year.
• Highway robbery by the bad ump when we doubled off a player that would have been final out of the inning, leading to a big inning and our worst loss of the year to nine high-school aged punk kids.
• Kevin Noth?
• Cameron Noth hitting on Emily Slieter.
Most Awards WonSteve Geller 5
Cathy Behr 4
Jeff Keiser 4
Kevin Kurtt 4
Emily Wood 3
Ryan Maus 2
Jim Strick 2
Michelle Train 2
Alyssa Downing 1
Casey Kurtt 1
Kieran Kurtt 1
The Kurtt Family 1
Maggie 1
Nobody 1
Kevin Noth 1
Bobbi Ross 1
Matt Slieter 1
Most Times Runner-UpJeff Keiser 2
Ryan Maus 2
Kevin Noth 2
Meghan Potter 2
Matt Slieter 2
Andrea Smith 2
Cooper 1
Alyssa Downing 1
Stebe Geller 1
Lisa Hardy 1
Pam Hardy 1
Jim Strick 1
Doug Vose 1
No Votes ReceivedKristine Yorde
Sara Foreman
Katie Fornasiere
Tory Kukowski
Beth Kurtt
Jim Kurtt
Cameron Noth
Lori Noth
Kelly Slieter
Laura's Tall Guy